My Lovely Wife Julie 10

Less than one minute read time.

The last couple of weeks have been OK.  We have managed to get out fairly regularly, even out for a Chinese and an Indian meal.

Unfortunately Julie has had a pain in her back that has gradually been getting worse over the last 2 weeks, so bad that even increasing her pain meds by 50% does not give any real relief.  We both suspect that she has more cancer in the T6-T9 region of her spine - I suppose a scan will show exactly where.

We have an Apt with the Onc on Tuesday for a follow up on the Brain Radio so I suppose we will get her opinion on whether more Radio on the Spine is required.


  • FormerMember

    pleased to hear you had a couple of good weeks. like you I love my local Chinese buffet but I am so missing Indian food. Bowel cancer specialist tells me I can't eat it. Hope you get out for more in the coming weeks and that they can do something about the pain.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stuart,

    Glad to hear you are building some 'Good Memory' Days, Hope you have many more, also  that the Onc can recomment some treatment or at least improve the pain relief mate on her back.

    Good Luck for Tuesday, will be thinking of you both, give Julie a gentle hug from me please, take care.

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    So glad that you have been able to get out more, it does make such a difference. The very best of luck for Tuesday and I hope something can be done about Julie's back pain.

           Take care,

            Love lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Good luck to you and Julie  Am thinking of you both.  Love Ann x