Ct scan tomorrow..

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Tomorrow I have a ct scan to check for recurrence.. I haven't been worried at all but today it just sort of hit me that there really is a good chance the cancer has come back.  I just keep reminding myself that I have done everything possible to lower my chance of recurrence and hopefully that was enough! 

On top of my fear of recurrence I'm worried about the ct scan itself.  Last time I had one I felt so nauseas during the injection of dye and Im nervous it will happen again! Especially since I'm already feeling nauseas from my interferon injections.  And they called to tell me I would have to drink something as well?? You'd think an iv could do that..

On the bright side after my ct scan I get to see a bunch of my friends who I haven't seen in over a year! So something to look forward too and hopefully take my mind off worrying about ct scan results.
