My Journey With Skin Cancer

  • Bye homecare :(


    So home care has stopped coming and tonight I have to give the shot totally by myself! So nervous.. really don't think I'm ready but i guess I just don't have a choice.  

  • Not ready for home care to stop.


    So part of doing self-injections at home was having a home care nurse come the first few times to teach me how to do it myself... I can now give the shots myself but I'm really not ready for the nurse to stop coming!! Even though I CAN do the shots myself, I'm worried about if I can do it  when the nurse isn't there.. There is something comforting about knowing if I can't do it for some reason the nurse is right…

  • All clear for ct


    Had my appointment with the doctor and was told my ct scan was clean! So thats a relief.  Blood counts are all good as well  yay

  • Side-effects lessening


    So the past 3 injections of interferon have gone super well! I'm actually starting to think I might be able to do the full year of them.  I haven't had any fever or chills lately (although still taking tylenol as a precaution) and my back pain has lessened immensely! I'm still pretty tired but I'll take that over fever and chills any day! Panic attacks still come and go but I'm not sure if that's from the drug or just…

  • So much joint pain


    So for the first time since I started the self-injections, I slept through the night without any major side effects (normally I can't sleep at all due to fever, chills, panic attacks, pain.) But now today I'm having horrible back and shoulder pain to the point I'm all hunched over and can't stand without having spasms :( No fun... Had a bath and that sort of helped, praying it gets better!!