My Journey

  • Hospital tomorrow

    Well its just about here, D day, hospital Tuesday and mastectomy Wednesday, packed and unpacked my bag I don't know how many times, quite anxious about it but means to an end god willing, anything in particular I may not have thought of I may need?
  • Weekend Blues


    Having such an emotional day today, feel such a loon, had a bit of a panic attack in supermarket, not liking being out and about on my own, living in a small town where everyone knows your business makes me feel as though they are all lookng at me wondering if I have had my op yet, all in my head im sure, hopefully be better tomorrow :, anyone else have episodes like that?

  • First Blog


    My life changed on 10th July after a few mamograms and biopsys to be diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) and to be told the only way I could move on from this was to have a right breast mastectomy. I thought my world had ended, I know it could have been a lot worse, if I have a mastectomy I should not need any further treatment unless there is anything found during my operation that they are not expecting.…