The Start

2 minute read time.

I was 50 on the 5th March 2012, myself my husband and our two dogs were going away for a week in Scotland. The week before we went I found a lump in my left breast in the shower. I got my husband to feel it and he said he dident know if it was a lump as my breasts are lumpy bumpy anyway,  Felt it again when we were away and though it was bigger(marble size) so as soon as we got home I was at the doctors on the Monday.

He said yes there was a lump and I would get an appointment within 2 weeks, I got home from work and had a phone call saying it was a week later. I had had a problem 4 years ago with a bleeding nipple(I think it was caused by one of the dogs catching me wiht a claw) and had had a mamagram and was given the all clear.

The friday of that week my husband lost his job, how many more things could go wrong.

This time things were alot quicker mamagram, ultra sound and biopsy all in one trip returning to the hospital on the Friday for the results.

A long few days and back we went, bad news the lump was cancer, we dident take in much more of what was said.

We got in the car and drove to the coast with the dog's in total disbelife, was I going to die, how would we cope, we walked and talked trying to get our heads round it.

I read the booklet I was given and started to search the internet, I found the Macmillen site and it had loads of information.

I have suffered from depression and have only been of my meds two months am I going to be strong enough to stay off them?

Spoke to my employers and told them what was happening and enquired about weather or not id be paid, great money worries on top of everything else.

I tend to be a very open person and tell everyone everything so dont think im going to be any different about this.

I have read loads on the site and think that compared to some people im well off, im having the lump removed and my lymp noades looked at them propley radio threapy, my husband is my rock and I have good friends although they dont live nearby.

Feeling low tonight as off for my pre op's tomarrow.


  • FormerMember

    good luck with the pre ops, and take care, big hugs

  • FormerMember
    Glad that you found this site you will get lots of advise and support. Good luck tomorrow Di x
  • FormerMember

    Hi Caz

    Not much I can say other than hope things go well.  Sending you big squidgy hugs.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember


    How are you..l had the same in 2009,l hope this find's you okay...l would love to say your on you journey now...and thing's will get alot better from here..good luck to you and you's going to be an adventure but if like me your strong you will get their sometimes it's crap..but i'm still here,, u wana chat leave a message..and l promise to get back to you..thinking about you..much love and hug's ..on here for you..well done to have come this far already...cheers..