The beginning!

1 minute read time.

Well where do  I start? Last year was a total nightmare for me. In January 2010 I found a lump on my neck, however I ignored it thinking that at 24 it has to be a gland. As the months went on I started to get really sore back pain, itchy feet and extreme tiredness. Through my own stupidity I decided not to visit my GP until July 2010 when by this time I was having drenching night sweats!


The GP started testing my for diabetie s, thyroid etc because again silly me forgot about the huge lump on my neck. Anyhow the tests all came back clear. One test however was missed out.....White blood cell count.


September 2010 I discovered I was pregnant with my second child. I went back to my doc to book in etc and he told me I must have this test done and I was examined and consiqently he found the lump on my neck. Three days later I was admitted to the hospital on a monday and the docs said I was in for blood tests. Next day however I was told I was being tested for cancer which type I didnt know so I just decided I was going to die and started pratically organising my funeral!

I had a biopsy done on my neck and a week later I was let home from hospital. The Heamotologist rang me to tell me it confirmed I had Hodgkins Lymphoma. CT Scan showed my cancer was advanced! Stage 3b!! Scary stuff!!!

My treatment started on 1 November 2010 after getting a bone marrow ( OUCHHHHHH ) and a picc line inserted!

I am currently having AVBD and just finished my 4th cycle yesterday. I had another CT scan on 25th January and recieved my results. Doc said I am responding but just not as much as he would like so therefore I'm provisionally going for 8 Cycles thats if the ct scan after my 6th cycle improves. If not its a different type of chemo where I would have to be admitted!

Complete nightmare I thought it would all be over soon for me and i just cant see the end now but hey it has to be done whats my other options....death? NO THANKS I'm so not ready for that!

Ill keep you informed!



  • FormerMember

    hi hun yes i know the feeling of despair sometimes but like you im not ready to go bloody anywhere the treatments are horrendous the way they make you feel so ill and sometimes you think please dont give me any more of this in me but we go on hopin one day they will say right its gone .....and you know thats what im aiming for so chin up girl onwards and upwards we fight another day

    love and hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Jennifer!

    Im feeling grand today no sickness but mentally I cant stop thinking about what if. I should really talk to my parents about this but I dont want to worry them. I really really hope that Ill get the all clear this year!!! xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi honey.I was young too. I was 22 when i found a lump in my neck. 9 years on im in remission still. i have trained as a nurse, married and had two beautiful children. there is light at the end of the tunnel xxx good luck. love nicky x

  • FormerMember

    <p>Hi, I'm very new to this and a bit old for the technology! My husband was diagnosed with Peripheral T cell lymphoma stage 3b in August, 2013.  He has had the stem cell transplant, the result of which was 'clear'. Fabulous! He has been doing so well: back to the gym every day, living as before BUT he has an awful itchy rash all over his body. Had it now for months. Specialists seem not to know what it is and creams and pills don't help. Is there anybody in the forum who has suffered the same thing? Would appreciate talking to you about this.</p>