House Martins(not the group) and me

1 minute read time.

I have some cute little house martins under my eaves, every year they come in their hundreds, I have three nests under my bedroom window, every mornign they wake me up about 3.30am, or some mornings I'm just on my way to bed and they send me off to sleep lol, I took some pictures today from my window, I created a slideshow as there were too many to post separately, but I cant seem to insert it, so please click on the link if you want to see it, i think that works.........I wrote a little poem too today, so here it is...........


Every year as summer draws near
As spring is fading, you return here
In your hundreds, you gather together
A haven you seek, a nest to feather
You chose my house, made it yours too
Outside my window, to your nest you flew
I can hear your chicks, safe and sound
Tucked in the eaves, from the perils of ground
Don't worry Mrs Martin, from my window I spy
On your life and family, I don't mean to pry
I.m not going to hurt you, don't fly away
My home is yours too, your welcome to stay
For a few months, you will stay with me
Enjoy your summer, then fly and be free
I hope you enjoyed being my guest
And as the summer sun fades down in the west
As quick as you came, south you disappear
Across the autumn sky, I'll see you next year....


Thanks everyone for taking the time ti view my blogs, I hope they brighten your day a little, take care all

  • FormerMember

    Oh how cute. Your talent is wasted you should be writing a book of prose, your poems are excellent. Thankyou Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Flossy -Well this one ceratinly has a good grip on the cable.

    Love your blogs and prose - yes they do brighten the day.

    We used to have swallows nesting regularly by the back door, but sadly they haven't come this year.

    Used to sneak out and chat to the little babies - so cute when their wide mouths & little faces would pop up over the nest to watch.

    We are building an open wood shed when we move and the roof will be designed for (hopefully) swallows / house martins to nest under the eaves.

    What with these & the bats we might be able to knock the biting bugs & mossies out of the garden !

    Thanks, Jewels

  • FormerMember

    hiya flossy, your pictures are really good and I love your poem. thanks for your message, I'm quite new to this and a bit of a "technophobe!" I sent you a reply but I think I sent it to myself so I tried again! please let me know if you got any of them and I will read up again on how to send messages!!

    I'm going for my hair cut this afternoon, it's been growing back for a year now and is still really frizzy and curly! I don't mind it and it makes my family laugh and there's been a lack of laughter in our house for quite a while.

    best wishes, Jackie xx