Friday eve

Less than one minute read time.

after a bit of a blow yesterday

have to face the consultant for cancer tomorrow, hope this is better nes than what I had on Wednesday for the liver.

right now am feeling empty and and numb, antibiotics are not helping but thought would get over that numbness, empty feeling, but I need to get back to my old chirpy self no cares in the world take life as it comes but now feeling of sinkingness (spelling crap) am sinkin so low am not sure how I can come back up to the top again, always have done before, but seems as if no body cares and when people find out they just want to avoid you, have told mates and  colleagues when i found out not to do this but they have, when i said dont I can still talk about it if they want to....

never mind such as life I think,....update this later  


  • FormerMember

    I care! I am sure everyone on here cares too.

    The story you tell of your mates and colleagues is a very common one indeed.

    Some stick by you but won't talk about it, others disappear, some stay through treatment then leave afterwards. Even family can desert you.

    I travelled my path with the help of my partner and my Mac family.

    This is your journey and sadly not everyone wants to travel with you.

    The Mac family will welcome you with open arms and stay beside you all the way and beyond!

    We will support you whenever you need us, just ask.

    Rant rave cry laugh whatever you feel like doing and we will do it with you.

    Once you get over the shock of diagnosis and you know what your treatment is to be and you start it, you will begin to feel more positive.

    Take care and all the best love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    We are all here to talk support and help each other if you need an ear or an anchor we are here

    Take care of you

    Jayne :)

  • FormerMember

    We care and are here to support. This place has brought me such comfort, i am recently diagnosed and know your feelings well. Some colleagues have avoided me and wont talk others have been great.

    Its really hard for everyone but positivty, love and laughter are the best tonics, even though I am at the very begining of my journey I am  not going to let it beat me.  So come on lets kick some ass

    Hugs xx Jules

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mascotty,

    Well said Jules its arse kicking time. Mascotty,

    as long as you are on here you will never be short of friends who really care,and understand.

    All the best and good luck with your Consultant tomorrow.

    Keep in touch.

    Take care and be safe  Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    hey guuys

    thanks again, its me am just scared of fearing the unknown, been up most of the night and now the long wait until this afternoon for the consultant, unsure if I can take anymore blows. had no fears before and yes, typical male!! would go in like a bull at a gate. I will be fine I think, just feeling down, empty and dejected at the mo (remove the depression bit-slightly).

    keep you updated,

    again, thanks guys for your support and kind words

