Really struggling tonight

1 minute read time.

I am having a really awful evening. I cant get it out of my head that we are going to lose my lovely Dad. I know we could have a while with him yet, but the thought of not having him around is tearing me apart. Dad has been my confidante all of my life. We are so alike and have fought like cats over the years, in fact, I couldn't live under the same roof as him as a teenager and his 'over protectiveness' of me seemed to stifle me.

I would do anything to have that again right now. To have my Dad's strong arms to protect me. I know he is still around, still able to hug me and chat to me, but for the first time tonight it has hit me like a tonne of bricks that he is not going to be around for a great deal of time longer.

I can't stop crying. I know it is pathetic and I should be strong, but at times like tonight, I just need to be wrapped up in self pity and get this little blip out of my system.

I know there are people on here who are in a more tragic position than I at the moment, but I can't see anything but my own misery.

Sorry folks...please bear with me.


  • FormerMember

    its totally understandable what you going through. i was the same when i was younger. (god that makes me feel old). I just lost my dad last month and we thought we had a couple of years but it turned to 3 months since beingg told terminall.. its so awfull. spend as much time as you can and stay srong as hard as that may seem but you can surprise yourself you know. then go home and cry your eyes out. my dad had to hug me when they said cant do no more and it should of been the other way round. I could of killed the man who said we cant do anything!!!!

    your not alone but look after yourself and your dad and family. thinking of you all.

    big hugs.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Just sending you a hug xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jo,

    It's certainly not pathetic to cry when we realise we are going to lose a loved one. We all do it.

    I hope you have a reasonable time with your Dad and make many more happy memories.

    In the meantime, I'm sending you love and big hugs.

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jo, you dont have to apologise, I think everyone understands what your going through, keep strong for your dad, thinking of you Susan x

  • FormerMember