Care for the elderly

Less than one minute read time.

Sorry, read something recently which made my blood boil, its slightly off topic for McM, but the bottom line is relevant, funding, cash, call it what you will.

Article in the Daily M*il, that doctors should stop prescribing certain types of drugs to patients with dementia.

It seems there are a number of cases where doctors, especially for patients in care homes have been prescribing powerful drugs, to effectively "dope" or in the papers words "chemical Kosh" the patients, keeps them manageable.

It suggests that the sufferers of dementia maybe better served by mental stimulai, crosswords, puzzles, mental challenges, etc to help them, the problem is, when government & local authorities have removed the vast majority of fuding for care, this becomes effectively un workable, this type of care takes 1 to 1 nursing, for which there are not the budgets.

The state of the care system in this country is beyond belief, an ageing population, politicians unwilling to face up to it, decisions made according to local budgets instead of in the interest of the patient.

How do we change this?
