My Dad

  • Sheer determination II


    I know i said this before, but i don't know where he is drawing the strength from. 

    Still he keeps fighting this horrible disease, told my son today he's got two more years in him, I remeber talking about when the next GP was a week or so ago, thinking "Dad i don't think we'll share it" but i was wrong, we did.

    He's increadibly weak physically & has not moved much from his bedroom, but there…

  • Chips n gravy for lunch


    Soldiering on!

  • Sheer determination


    That's all that seems to be keeping him going.

    I don't know how the hell he's doing it, he looks like a concentration camp victim, but there is still a steely determination, even a twinkle in his eyes & while that's there, we know there's some fight left in him, even told my sis I'd never done as i was told today!

  • A good day, they do happen, even near the end.


    Today was a good day,

    Dad's been more responsive & coherent than for a few days & all the fuss is doing him wonders, we have made the most of it.

    Ominous warnings from our healthcare professionals to make the most of it & not think this is a reprieve.

    We know, we're just enjoying the good days.

  • Later the same day


    Well it's been a whirlwind of activity today.

    We have had the district nurse twice, a nurse from the hospice once, our local emergency care nurse team, called CARATS (don't know what it stands for) + GP on the phone, combined with 11 adults all in a two bedroom OAP bungalow, been a bit of a squeeze, no complaints from dad though, said it felt like being at the Ritz, all he had to do was ask & his children…