Day 81

1 minute read time.

Its been a day of ups and downs really, got another radio session out of the way without incident, had quite a nice quiet day with the kids (who have been really good) we even managed to escape the house for a bit.

The downside has been feeling generally crap, I had a horrible headache most of the morning - the doctors have told me to avoid paracetamol as it lowers your temperature and they need to track my temperature carefully to watch for infections. Bit tired too, not too bad though, but I have had an upset stomach all day.  Bad indigestion, heartburn and some nausea.  I have anti sickness stuff to take, which I found out this evening is working.

I found out because I didn't time the doses very well today, my radiotherapy was late today and I really should have taken my meds before I left but I didn't. As a result on the way down to the hospital the heartburn started and then I got really bad hiccups, which only just stopped when I had to get onto the table and be strapped in. By the time I got back home I was feeling quite unwell so I rushed to take the meds before I started throwing up.  I caught it just in time, I very nearly brought the meds back up but held it together, things settled down again but it means I've not eaten enough today and the thought of eating now is making my stomach turn.
Hopefully it will get better by the weekend and I can catch up some calories.
