Day 49

1 minute read time.

Originally published 28/4/13

Today has been a nice quiet day, the sort of Sunday that seems to last for ever. Trouble is, it's not quiet for everyone. My poor missus has been busy, more so because I can't do as much as before.

It makes me feel damned useless, simply because my instincts are telling me that it should be me looking after her. Its not though, the damned cancer has made sure of that. I hate it for that, something else its taken from me. That's the worst part for me I think, the impact its had on my family. The things I can't do for them, at least for a while.

I should feel happy that things seems to be getting better, I felt less tired today, even though I napped again this afternoon after walking the kids to the village and back. With a little help I think the tiredness will fade quickly, once I get the right balance in my diet, well I hope so - I want to get much stronger to face the next round of my fight.

I might find out about that tomorrow, I am going to see the doctors in the afternoon. Might get the histological report back on what the took out, fingers crossed that everything was taken with the margins they hoped they had at the time.
