Day 38

1 minute read time.

Originally published 17/4/13


Its funny, recovering in hospital, as you do, what brings the most pleasures. As my surgical recovery progresses well then I find more of my little dignities coming back. This is a very nice feeling. 

I don't think that I really knew how important my independence was to me until I lost most of it. My aches and pains diminish so I don't take much pain relief now - a really nice break from recent months - my mobility improves as the swelling in my neck and jaw goes.

Today had a couple of highlights, my dad drove all the way down to visit and I finally left nil by mouth status. My doctor came round to see me this morning and announced that I could try drinking sterile water, giving me a few hints on how to accomplish a successful swallow with only 30 of a mobile tongue. Turns out timing is key, you have to collect the fluid on one side, over the working part of the reconstructed tongue. Do that just before you swallow and it pretty much works as expected, get it wrong and you end up with a mouth full of water and probably a coughing eye water inducing mess.

That first drink was an absolute bliss, I had been wanting to drink some water for several days. When the doctor came back to see me in the evening then he said I could try a cup of tea. Me, I have it white with two sugars, never had a single sip of anything tasted so damned nice.

Two simple things made me feel so good. I have to say, I really was apprehensive of the tea - I was so worried it wouldn't taste right. Tomorrow I should get to have my final drain taken out and get to try some soft food - of this bit all goes well then I could be looking at getting home soon after.

That was the best news of all.
