day 4 since i found out

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well its all a bit surreal really, it feels like its something that isnt really happening and even when i say i have cancer, it just doesnt sound like its about me, work are being good about me being off, but just cant sit there for 9 hours and be normal, cant decide if i should tell my team!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Wendy, I am nearing a year after finding out I had a brain tumour and trust me, its still all surreal.

    Welcome to the site, sorry we meet under such crappy circumstances but you will find an army of supporters here, we laugh, cry, scream and generally help each other through the journey.  

    Sometimes its good to vent to people who "know" what you are feeling and without burdoning friends and family.

    Good luck with your operation - I read your profile.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi wendy and welcome, sorry you have a reason to join us but you will find support and friendship here and complete understanding. Im sure the breast group is very active here for particular info and advice but members of whatever category are so generous with support. Give yourself some time and space and recover from the shock and hopefully options will be clearer for you, warm wishes, Karen x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Wendy reading your blog was like reading about me. I was diagnosed with BC on the 9th October 09, funny how we always remember the date. I work as an assessor travelling around seeing different students and like you when i was told it was Cancer and especially when it hit me, two days later, i couldn't face working and acting 'normal'. I decided to tell people to try and get them to make sure they check themselves, to protect them from ignoring what could happen. If it happened to me it could happen to any one. It is like being in a dream and looking in from the outside. It begins to get real once you have the op, good luck with that. But i felt guilty when people kept saying get well soon because i feel so well. I think that is when it doesn't feel real because to me having Cancer means that people are ill, if that makes sense. I saw my oncologist yesterday and start chemo on the 27th of this month, now I know its real.

    It is a shock and you will go through so many emotions. But try and keep strong and positive and with help and support you will get through this.

    love Amandaj xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Wendy

    I was diagnosed at the beginning of August - and it all seems still un real to me too.

    I have been off work since August - and people seeing me say how well i Look (on the outside may be) . I have had five weeks of radiotherapy which has left me empotionally and physically drained.

    At firstI did not want any one to know - then I decided theyall should know - why should I hide it. But then I could not cope with people phoning etc wanting to know how I was all the time.

    Once you get the op out of the way you can start planning forward - but it is a long steep hill.

    Take care

    Love Maralynxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Wendy,

    I found out on 5th October and am still getting my head around it all. I have had fantastic support from everyone on here and it has made the difference between coping and not coping.

    Like you initially I carried on at work and even went back to work a few days after having lumpectomy (agaist the advice of my learned friend on here I might add....and they were right) but I also felt like a fraud because I felt and looked ok. I dont know if I will ever truly believe it but now I have had mastectomy and can see a visible sign it is slowly sinking in. You are probably still in shock and just need time to absorb it all but you will find some wonderful people on here trust me.

    take care love Terri xxx