Day 4 of 1st chemo

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well i have to be hoenst i have hated the side effects, constantly dizzy so bad i cant walk unaided aroud the house, i d think it might be lifting slightly, spoke to the chemo ward for advice and they saiud i could take my stemetil as well as all my other drugs! BP keeps droppin gto 117/54 i then have to eat - so basically i eat all day.

was only sick once on friday but not from my body trying, i havce felt sick loads, headche all the time, so ibuprofen is my friend, it feels liks a migraine! so if i go out i wear a baseball cap all the time and in doors i sit in the dark - short bursts on the PC.

i am also red in the face all the time, it looks funny and already the hair is startign to come out - so the last 4 days have been dismal, i am hoping it only lasts a feew days, my pills from the chemo folks run out today - except the anti sickness pills!

but only 5 more to go!!! and thats the main thing

  • FormerMember

    Wendy I'd go back to your BC Nurse as they obviously need to change your drugs to get rid of the sickness.

    But you go girl with the attitude - only 5 more to go!  I know it doesn't feel like it but you do get to tick them off the calender quicker than you imagine at the beginning,

    Good luck chick, and chin up x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Wendy,

    The fisrt one is the worse one because you are going into the unknown. But I agree with Fiona

    you should speak to your nurse or oncologist to see if they can change your drugs. My oncologist put me on a anti sickness tab called Amend which really helped with my sickenss. You only take it once a day, but on my last cycle of chemo I was neither sick or felt sick.

    It is good that you have a positive attitude. At the beginning it feels like an eternity away but the weeks do go by very quickly and as you said 1 down 5 to go.

    Love and Hugs Amanda x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Wendy,

    Sorry to hear you are feeling so rough I wasnt too bad on the sickness front so cant really help but have heard that if tell onc all your symptoms before your next chemo they will look at different medication so make a list.Mine used to kick in on day 3 so just get used to your pattern and be kind to yourself.

    Maggs xx