My BRCA 2 Journey

  • Post Op Bilateral Salpingotomy and Oopherectomy

    I'm now 4 days post op and feel pretty good. One of my fears was that I would go straight into Menopause and wouldn't feel like me. Luckily that's not how I feel now. The surgery went just fine. Apart from my panic and hysteria beforehand. Feel pretty silly now don't I. I actually feel like I've achieved something. I know I have taken control and reduced one of the risks associated with this mutated gene that I have…
  • Less than a week to go. This is real!

    Well, with Christmas over and done with, the reality has hit home. I'm having my ovaries removed in less than a week. Can't say I'm looking forward to it but then again who would? Christmas was good. A bit quieter than previous but our family are going through a rough time. My mum is waiting on her referral appointments on top of worrying about her daughters, I'm booked in for my Oopherectomy and have appointments…
  • First post and story so far


    About me: I am an ex nurse, now medical Sales Rep. I got divorced earlier this year and have 2 amazing kids. Boy of 10 and girl of 15. I've been through a tough 3 years and I'm finally getting everything in place to move on with my life. That was until a few weeks ago...... Last year I went to the Cancer Genetics clinic and asked to be tested as my Grandmother, her sisters and her brother all passed away with various…