My mum

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Well what can i say. After fighting Cancer fr 13 years mum mum is at the end. The Dr's have said we have days if that. My mum is still trying to fight even though she has had enough. She is 64 no age at all. She is the most wonderful mum you could ever imagine and I have no idea and I mean NO idea what i am going to do with out her. All I can do now is be here like I promised to care for her and make sure that she is comfortable and pain free. I haven't slept in a week my hairs a mess and I know if Mum could tell me she would say " my god you look rough" aand she would be right. But at the end of the day we only get 1 mum in this world nd i have been lucky enough to have the best.

  • FormerMember

    God bless your mum, I wish her peace and I bet she would be so happy to see you looking lovely at least once - you go girl and show her how her beautiful daughter looks and how strong you are (even if you don't feel it).  Her love will help you survive - that's something that never dies.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    What can I say. You made a promise to your Mum and by God you kept it. Your Mum is a very lucky woman,and you are a very lucky girl. I Hope when the end comes your Mum is at peace and painfree. You are one very loving ,caring ,strong, young lady. I Send you both my Love and

    strength. My thoughts are with you both tonight.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • You need to take care of yourself in order to take care of your mum, so take five, take a deep breath, and find the strength you need at this sad time.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    If you can, find someone to give you a little time for yourself, even if it's only for an hour. Your mom will not want to seee such a caring daughter looking ove tired and run-down. You are an amazing carer and will I hope have a peaceful end to your mother's time. Keep in contact here to get all the support you need.


  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for your lovely comments. My Mum is still going strong. The Dr has just left and said he has no idea how mum is still here. She has morphine i her driver at 80mgs over 24 hrs,. Had a sub cut injection of 15mgs this morning as she is in discomfort. Her breathing has been terrible over night to the point where I took my duvet and laid on the floor next to her bed just in case anything happened. It is official my mum has the constitution of an Ox. I will always be grateful to my mum for teaching me how to care for someone. I love my mum more than any words can say she is truly an incredible woman who has the biggest and kindest heart I could ever meet. I just hope that my children will think that of me some day.
