My mum

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Well what can i say. After fighting Cancer fr 13 years mum mum is at the end. The Dr's have said we have days if that. My mum is still trying to fight even though she has had enough. She is 64 no age at all. She is the most wonderful mum you could ever imagine and I have no idea and I mean NO idea what i am going to do with out her. All I can do now is be here like I promised to care for her and make sure that she is comfortable and pain free. I haven't slept in a week my hairs a mess and I know if Mum could tell me she would say " my god you look rough" aand she would be right. But at the end of the day we only get 1 mum in this world nd i have been lucky enough to have the best.

  • FormerMember

    My precious mum passed away on the 9th june at 13.37 whilst I held her hand to my face. She was so peaceful in the end. I feel like I am empty now. I had to tell my children who sobbed themselves to sleep in my arms. The pain on their faces was heartbreaking. They have spent alot of time with their Nanna and are so close to her I just do not know what they are going to do. My eldest is 10 in 9 days time and is doing his first holy communion this weekend he was so hoping his Nanna would be there but now he has to light a candle for her instead.