emziee's blog

  • what an amazing day =)


    well.. as you all will know today was/is macmillans coffee morning day... it had been arranged for me to attend a coffee morning at guy salmon landrover in coventry, as a special guest...

    9.30am, me and john got picked up...in a lovely range rover.. black exterior, white cream interior.. was well nice... we got to guy salmon at around 10ish..

    when we walked in, i met a fair few people and was shown around the building…

  • nurses are the best!!!!!!!


    well. ive just spent the last hour or so, on and off in tears, because all this waiting is really getting to me.

    i went to the hospital again to see the DR for another check up and he said, that he couldnt feel anything new. but i can? just shows that you know your own body more than anyone else. so anyways... he said theres not much more he can say to me, he said it could be a viral infection, but he isnt going to say…

  • just a small blog


    ive taken the advice from others on here...

    and rang up the xray department...

    i am having my CT scan on the 28th...

    so just another weeks wait....

    and, today at quater to 11, im going to see my gp... because my neck is hurting me and im fed up of the pains... cuz if the lumps are nothing like the cancer returning, then whatever it is, im suffering with..

    thanks for all being here =)


  • still waiting..


    i know this is going to sound really ungrateful..

    and i dont mean it to sound this way..

    but im still really really worried about this lump. ive still not heard for a scan date... and i dunno.... i dont want this to come across harsh or in anyway un appriciative...


    everyone keeps telling me to stay positive... its very hard... im not sure how many people on here have gotten a lump after getting into remission…

  • waiting... what a silly old game!!!


    WELL... been to the hospital..

    im not sure what to think...

    sat down, he asked me a million and one questions..

    how are you?

    well.. im ok, had pains in chest, back and collar bone.. and got a lump in my neck.. right ok how longs it been there.. since monday... ok.

    where have you been the last few weeks? what are you doing with myself? do you go clubbing? have you been away?

    yes... i have been clubbing..

    where? down…