emziee's blog

  • Hello, its been a while....


    Well its been a long time since iv logged on here, Its because iv not really had a lot to say.

    Im now two years in remission,

    And have come to share the best news ever with you all (old friends and new members)

    Im now 12wks and 4days pregnant with my first baby. i had a scan yesterday


    When I first got diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma at 19 years old, one of the first questions that entered my head was, is this going…

  • me again.........!


    so today....

    i went to the hospital for my check up (which my GP had asked to be brought forwards rather than october 20th) as iv been feeling tired... and had felt a lump in my neck....

    well anyways.... consultant felt my neck, and said yes, he can definately feel a new lump. and he said he will get me booked in for an ultrasound scan, and not a CT, because im still young and he doesnt wanna over radiate me... im…

  • nearly two years since diagnosis... and september.. lymphoma awareness month......


    well firstly,

    hello... hope all my mac friends are ok???

    iv not blogged in a little while.... but i guess as its september and i have a few important dates and things on my mind...and i have a check up tomorrow at the hospital.. i thought id write to say how im getting on....

    well, everything is fine for me at the minute. still cant seem to get a grip with the fatigue that seems everlasting from treatment, but i dont…

  • extreme tiredness.. advice please :S


    just thought id write a blog to see if this has happened to anyone else...

    well, basically iv been working for four weeks now, 30 hours a week.. after having time off work since september 2009.

    but this last few days, iv got up worked from 9-4, and then come home, had a bath something to eat, and then been in bed from 6pm and slept til 9.30pm... got up, then gone to bed at 11pm ish... and slept right through til 7.30…

  • scan results....


    one year post treatment scan shows:





    REMISSION !!!!!

    really cant explain how relieved i feel... sooo happy!!!