nearly two years since diagnosis... and september.. lymphoma awareness month......

2 minute read time.

well firstly,

hello... hope all my mac friends are ok???

iv not blogged in a little while.... but i guess as its september and i have a few important dates and things on my mind...and i have a check up tomorrow at the hospital.. i thought id write to say how im getting on....

well, everything is fine for me at the minute. still cant seem to get a grip with the fatigue that seems everlasting from treatment, but i dont mind an extra nap in the day! :) working part time in a fancy dress shop, its ok... we have our laughs there... :)

september the 14th in 2009 at 19 years old is when i went off work, feeling awful, big lumps in my neck, tiredness, headaches... unaware of what was happening to my body, unaware just how much the next year of my life would change so much. how much i would change.

the tests began, and then eventually, just over a month later on october 22nd 2009 i was diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma...

in september 2009, i wasnt sure what hodgkins lymphoma was.. was it a planet? an infection?? an animal????... nope... it was cancer.. BAM!! that word.. CANCER.... yepppp... at 19 you just dont think about that word.. you think about make up, boys, alcohol, girly nights out.... etc....

the last few weeks iv been popping on here, checking blogs etc... and when i was diagnosed, my nurse told me, it always seems to be around this time of the year, when lots of people are diagnosed with lymphoma.. strange isnt it? and looking at blogs... it seems so?


my point is....

its lymphoma awareness month..... the week for lymphoma awareness is the 12-18th september.... (if only id of known about it in 2009, it maybe wouldnt have taken so long to diagnose me)

some facts about lymphoma:

Lymphoma is the UK’s fifth most common cancer.

it is THE most common cancer in 16-30 year olds.

In the UK, around 1,730 cases of Hodgkin lymphoma and over 11,800 cases of non-Hodgkin lymphoma are diagnosed each year.

The most common symptoms are persistent lumps, itching, tiredness, fevers and excessive sweating, especially at night.


to help raise more awareness of lymphoma...

Why not post a status update on Facebook:

‘I have a personal reason for asking everyone to put this as their status during Lymphatic Cancer Awareness Week (12-18 September): “Lymphoma is the UK’s fifth most common cancer. The most common symptoms are persistent lumps, itching, tiredness, fevers and night sweats. Please help raise awareness of this cancer by posting this as your status for Lymphatic Cancer Awareness Week!”


or post a pic on your profiles:

i will be :)

anyways.... i think thats enough of my ramblings for tonight...

lotsa love to you all....

keep positive, keep fighting.


  • FormerMember

    Wow, 19?? I had enough trouble getting my head around HL at 41!! (diagnosed Aug this year)

    Well done for coping, for being here blogging and raising awareness... I will copy n paste this on my FB profile , please remind us all on 18th?!

    Positivity is everything, thank you for reminding me hun!

    Love and Blessings xxx

  • FormerMember

    iv been in remission since june last year :) so one year and 3 months :) positivity helps loads and loads!!

    although.... i couldnt of done it without the help and support of my lovely friends in chat at the time :)

    almost 22 now.... and partying hard, catching up on what i missed out on... lifes slowly getting back to normal  ( a new normal)  

    :) xxx

  • FormerMember

    That is BRILLIANT!!!:D

    I am looking forward to getting my partu shoe sback on soon too ;)


  • FormerMember

    Hello Emma,

    So good to see you posting here again - we've missed you! Glad you're having a good time now, partying etc., even if you are still suffering with fatigue. Hopefully the fatigue will eventually fade away. Will be thinking of you tomorrow when you go for your "MOT"!

    Take care. Love & hugs, Rose x x x ((((((((hugs))))))))) x x x

  • FormerMember


    Great to hear from you again!  Glad that things are improving.  Not to mention the job in a fancy dress shop!  Surrounded by all these lovely cloths and girly laughs - you make me jealous..........

    Wishing you all the very best with your forhtcoming tests

    Georgia XXXXXXXXX