What If ??

2 minute read time.

life is full of so many questions... so many things that are un answered, un explainable..life is unpredictable.. you just never know what is round the corner...

my biggest question now... is what if?

what if i never got cancer, how would my life be now?

now... yesterday... exactly a year to the day, of finding a lump... i found a lump in my neck again... a million questions ran through my head, a million thoughts....

what if its back? how will i cope? how will i get through it all again? what will happen next? why again? how? arghhhh!!!!!

i DONT want it to be cancer!!!

but so many things making me believe it is.....ive had pains in my back, chest, and collar bone for a couple of weeks now, been soo sooo tired... so that prompted me to go see my gp.. he looked in my mouth and said.. hmm throat infection... 8 penicillin a day for ten days... well... 6 days into this course... the lump came... surely cant be down to infection?? wouldnt it have come before now??

well.!!!! this is SHIT!!!! to put it bluntly.... im only 20.. dont want to be going through this again... i know... it may not be nothing...it may just be a swollen gland or lymph node... but thats it.. my cancer was lymphoma...!!! GRRRR!!!!!

and then if it is nothing, how am i gunna cope with everytime i get a swollen gland, or something... jeeee its like treading on glass...waiting for cancer to come bite me on the bum again!! helloooo emma im back again!!!! noooo ur not welcome!!!

ive been in remission, exactly 3mnths and 4 days! my last chemo was 4 and a half months ago... is that time enough for it to come back again??? am i worrying for nothing???

toooooooooo many questions!! to many things on my mind!!!! wished i could fall asleep, wake up, then imagine ive dreamed the lump is there in my neck... and if its a swollen gland i wished i never got one again.... so then no panic....

well... anyways i rang hospital... was due to see DR N next week on thursday, but he wants to see me this thursday instead now... thats still 2day, and 2mora worrying!!! =(

rant over!!

im gunna go find something to keep my mind occupied!!

  • FormerMember

    Life is full of 'what ifs ands and maybes' chic. You are only 20, blimey when I was 20 about a million years ago I was married with a baby and never really had chance to be young, but hey that was what I wanted. Like you said yourself it could be many things and if it has come back could you deal with it. The answer is yes because you have to love but you know you can still have a life and enjoy it. I am an old fart and I live my life knowing my cancer is killing me. Try not to stress yourself out chic, it is wait and see time which drives us all crazy. Take care...love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    The waiting is awful for you but I'm so pleased you're being seen quickly. If it has come back I know you will cope with it, you have age on your side too! If it hasn't you'll be very relieved. It's hard not to worry but you've done all the right things in getting seen quickly.

    I'm thinking of you.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Gill ,

    Its that Bloody wait and see time,as the Bird says

    we all hate waiting. But thats what we are good at.

    You take it easy and dont go jumping that gun.

    Take care and besafe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you Emm and sending you a great big ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hope it's all okay for you Emz.  Your mind is bound to be working overtime, but, try and keep busy, like you said and everything crossed for you.

    Take care

    Nic x