owchy owchy stupid veins!!!

1 minute read time.

well today i went for my ct scan, now i no my veins are bad, but wow i really do realise how bad they are now...

so i gets ther, a few minutes late because id been and had blood test ready for next week... and when i had the blood test the phle... wotever however u spell them said wow ur veins are deep today, they dont want to come out, so had the blood test, got my vien in one go, perfect.... i thought id tell the xray ers wher they found my vein so it made it easier....


it took, 3 people to try my viens, and 7 attempts before they gave up.... so i had the CT scan but without the dye, because they hurt me to much, my hands and arms are already bruised and are very sore!!

so now,

i wonder, will the ct scan be as accurate without the dye? will it show that all the nasty cancer cells have gone... i hope so, cuz i really cant go through that again, i came out in tears and was all dizzy =(

so im hoping they got the answers they need and the answers that i want.... wont find out for another week tho... waiting waiting waiting....

  • FormerMember

    emma, lets hope it is ok, im due a ct in about 4 weeks, and i didnt know they cant use your pic for the dye (too quick apparently) so i might be ouchity ouching too :-( fingers crossed for you emma....

    liz xoxoxox

  • FormerMember

    Oh Emma poor you! It must have been dreadful 7 attempts! i am usually ok for ct scans because l have a big vein that l save for blood tests and scans.

    I hope the scan is ok with out the dye. will keep my fingers crossed.

    see you soon Rosie

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emma,

    Yes it a very painful thing when they cant find a vein.

    but they keep trying anyway,after all its not their arm and not their pain.

    I like Rosie hope the scan is o/k without the dye.

    Hope all goes well. Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe. Big Hugs Sarsfield.xxx

  • My every sympathy... my veins go, 'dive, dive, dive,' every time they see a needle approach. The problem is that often the staff doing the insertion of needles are not trained phlebotomists. I've had nurses make mincemeat of my arms and hands but a phlebotomist gives one jab and bingo - result! I have been told to ask for a 'black' needle... or even better a 'yellow' needle which is the one used for children.

    Hope your scan is successful.


  • FormerMember

    Poor old you!  You must look like a pincushion.  I think some nurses are more skilled than others in finding veins.  John said the nurse who did his last blood test ran at him like a bull at a gate and he ended up with a gigantic bruise on his arm.

    I don't think they would have done the scan if they didn't think it was worth it and I'm hoping and praying that the results are GOOD.

    Can't wait to see you in Bournemouth - have you booked yet?

    Take care emz and keep us posted.

    Lots of love, Marjorie x x x x x x