owchy owchy stupid veins!!!

1 minute read time.

well today i went for my ct scan, now i no my veins are bad, but wow i really do realise how bad they are now...

so i gets ther, a few minutes late because id been and had blood test ready for next week... and when i had the blood test the phle... wotever however u spell them said wow ur veins are deep today, they dont want to come out, so had the blood test, got my vien in one go, perfect.... i thought id tell the xray ers wher they found my vein so it made it easier....


it took, 3 people to try my viens, and 7 attempts before they gave up.... so i had the CT scan but without the dye, because they hurt me to much, my hands and arms are already bruised and are very sore!!

so now,

i wonder, will the ct scan be as accurate without the dye? will it show that all the nasty cancer cells have gone... i hope so, cuz i really cant go through that again, i came out in tears and was all dizzy =(

so im hoping they got the answers they need and the answers that i want.... wont find out for another week tho... waiting waiting waiting....

  • FormerMember

    I think it will be ok without the contrast as I'm pretty sure they wouldnt have done it without.  I asked what it did at my last scan and she told me it shows up areas rich in blood supply eg tumours better.  So I reckon as you have had scans before there will be enough to go on to give you a result.

  • FormerMember

    My husband has just been in the same situation - they were not able to find a vein but went ahead with the CT scan anyway.  There were certainly results - in his case I actually think they looked more carefully at what the scan revealed.  

    Good luck and don't worry.  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emma  hope yr results are good .Yes viens seem to go into hiding when blood tests ect come up.

    Fingers are crossed
