Wednesday 20th March Day before second Paclitaxel

1 minute read time.

I haven't written anything since 15th March after my last chemo session had been cancelled because of my bloods showing problems with my liver, as there hasn't been much to write about. 

I had my bloods taken and dressing changed on Monday when the district nurse visited. I rang the district blood people and asked for labels and messaged the nurses with regards that I would need bloods again this week. Luckily I didnt wait for the letter that I received today telling me my Liver US was all good and that I needed to have bloods taken on Monday.  I have my Chemo booked for 12.30 tomorrow and seeing no-one has called me today, I take it that its all good to go ahead tomorrow. 

It's been a stressful 5 days, and at times I have been feeling down because of the chemo delay. Plus hubby has had a nasty cold that I have been trying to avoid catching. Today's been the first time we have been to see my parents too as mum has been really poorly with a cough and cold since day after mother's day. It's so horrid having low immune systems, and not being able to do things that you would normally be able to do. 

Oh and now my eyebrows and eye lashes are starting to thin out. Upside down 
