Wednesday 17th April 6th day after 3rd Paclitaxel

Less than one minute read time.

I didn't get up until after 7am on Wednesday morning, so my sleep pattern seems to have gone back to normal after getting up at 2am during most of the EC cycle. 

I sat and enjoyed the sunshine for 15mins with my new factor 50 sunscreen on my face and head. I will be happy once I have a bit of tan on my face and scalp.

I walked up to the bowls club via a steep path to watch hubby play bowls. It really took it out of me, I am find that my energy levels are really a problem at the moment and I feel silly as since chemo started in January my energy has been really good until now. I managed to stay and watch half the game but my ankles started getting painful so a friend gave me a lift home. I think it was getting cold too which didn't help.

Managed to stay up until 8pm then went to bed, I didn't even switch to TV on so shows that I was really tired, I took pain relief for my leg and feet so as to get a good rest.
