Tuesday 2nd April 13th day post 2nd Paclitaxel

1 minute read time.

Well I have had a few very uneventful days. My thigh has still been a little painful especially at night but not as bad since stopping the Filgrastim injections.

The district nurse came to change my dressing and take my bloods ready for this week's chemo. When she went to change dressing, the last bit that came off ripped my skin. My skin is obviously so delicate from all the reactions I have been having to the dressings. After having 2 weeks when I haven't had any reactions and my arm was doing so well I was hoping that at least this was a problem I could put behind me but obviously not. The district nurse was really upset about it happening. (Pic of arm uploaded)

I have a face to face appointment tomorrow with my consultant. I'm going to show her my arm and let her know how painful my legs,toes and feet have been since my last chemo session, and see if there is any stronger pain relief that I can have for a few days, of if she can try me on a shorter dose of the Filgrastim or maybe the pegfilgrastim. I'm also going to ask about having a bone scan before I agree to have the Bisophosates infusions, as I haven't had any scans at all since my TNBC diagnosis.

I can't remember if I have put this up on here before but for people that have a picc line for there chemo, there are 2 charities that you can contact.

1st is Picc Pals, these are a group of very kind people that make picc sleeves and if you contact them they will send you 4 sleeves to put over your picc line.

2nd is Picc A Boo who adapt hoodies and fleeces so that you can have your arms covered while having chemo. 
