Saturday 13th April 2nd day after 3rd Paclitaxel

1 minute read time.

Had a fairly good night's sleep, apart from the takeaway fish and chips were caus8ng a bit of reflux. Woke at 2.30 popped to the loo, and managed to et back to sleep until just after 6.30 which was brilliant after just having chemo. Think last night's supper helped my bowels too this morningJoy

We went to the hospital to collect my injection this morning, so I'm hoping that the pegfilgrastim will be kinder to my body than the normal Filgrastim, if not I will ask for the 7 day one for my last chemo.

I have had chemo face most of today, it started on cheeks, then moved to nose, then down the side of the nose. We went to our local bowls opening day today and ppl kept thinking I was getting sunburn. I kept saying no its yesterday chemo. I had factor 50 on and sat in the shade as best I could.

I have my elna cream on ready for this new injection. It's got to be administered slower as there's lots more to go in. Took paracetamol in preparation too. Hoping I won't need the codeine and morphine but I'm not going to suffer if I don't need to. 

Will update tomorrow on how this new injection has made me feel. I'm expecting to be more tired tomorrow anyway.
