Friday 26th April 4th and FINAL Paclitaxel Chemo Day 1

1 minute read time.

I had a fairly restless nights sleep, mainly because I noticed a district nurse appointment for Monday. I was fretting that it meant they were going to prospone my Chemo today. But they didn't:) 

In the post today a lovely surprise arrived from my pink sister, who's been receiving chemo in my unit. We should have finished on the same day, but with my delays, we were 2 weeks apart. I was with her for her last chemo and we had a alcohol free gin and tonic. She had sent me a lovely card and a little bracelet with some bells as we don't have a bell to ring after finishing chemo.

I packed up a carrier bag with goodies for all the ward staff. M&S chocolates, a few bottles of squash, apples, and a few bags of doughnuts. 

I actually went in nearly 30 mins early today, and everything went really smoothly. I asked if my hubby Paul could come in for when they disconnected and removed my picc as he was there at the start and I wanted him to be there at the end. They said yes so I was really happy. 

The nurse disconnected me and removed my picc. Hubby did me a video of it too as you cant see what goes on. The nurse tied on my bell bracelet afterwards and the nurses and I made bell sounds BellBellBell.

It feels so good having the picc out, even though some of my skin has gone red and sore again. Atleast there are no more showers with the Limbo on. 

Popped and visited pareon the way home as I know I will be feeling rough and tired for a few days. 

Had a lovely dinner. I'm going to wait a few days before a cracking open the bubbles, just incase.

Radiotherapy next on the list, planning appointment on the 7th May. So will plan a little break after then. 

I will try and keep the blog going as things develop. 

  • That’s great news - so pleased all went well and you’re finished with chemotherapy  A lovely way to thank the staff and commemorate all you’ve accomplished. 

    It’s so freeing not to have the PICC line anymore - no barbs in my arm and already feel less breathless. 
    Wishing you a peaceful night and happy celebrations in the coming days. 
    Hope to hear how you get on with radiotherapy. 

  • Hi Kaza 

    Managed to sleep until 3.15 hopefully it was just all drugs from yesterday. It was lovely not having the picc but was stinging a bit where skin ripped a bit with dressing removal.

    When will your radiotherapy start? 


  • Hi Alison. So pleased to hear you have finally finished all your chemo. I have been following your journey with interest and have lived reading your blog. I hope you recover your strength quickly and manage to get away somewhere nice ( and the weather be kind to you). Good luck for the radiotherapy hopefully a short blast. Take care xx

  • Hi AJW

    It's lovely to hear you have enjoyed my blog, I will continue writing for a bit l9nger yet, but maybe not daily like I have bern doing. Also I might do another once radiotherapy starts too. Xx