28th June 4th radiotherapy session completed

1 minute read time.

Yesterday I had my 3rd radiotherapy session, I was really not looking forward to it. Only because its been very uncomfortable afterwards when the heat and itching and nettle stings cut in. All went smoothly and again was over withing 15 mins. We met up with an old work colleague afterwards for coffee and then went to my oncologist appointment. 

I explained how uncomfortable I was getting after the radiotherapy and asked about flamigel. She said that's only needed if I actually break out in burns etc and that using my aloe and other creams should be fine. I was advised to not put anything on my skin until after the radiotherapy as that's what they always suggested before so will try that tomorrow. I can also take antihistamines and paracetamol plus a codeine, which I already have at home.

We discussed other problems or questions we had and I mentioned about continuing numbness/pain in left leg so she is sending me for an MRI to see if there is a nerve trapped. 

I have agreed to the bone infusion and that's going to happen on 30th July. So we will be able to do something nice for our 40th wedding anniversary now. I was informed that if I feel they are not right for me I can stop, which made us feel a bit better. 

My boob started overheating again last night but not as bad as after the second session.

Today's radiotherapy went well and when it was over the radiotherapist said "Happy Friday your done for this week, go and enjoy your weekend" 

I'm feeling fairly good so far today so hopefully the antihistamines and pain relief plus the fact I didn't moisturise until afterwards is helping.

Happy Friday everyone, have a great weekend xx

  • I had radiotherapy each day for 25 days and got very badly sore (burnt) as the course went on. I was given an unlimited supply of Activheal Hydrogel, which was quite cooling and also medihoney, which I used on sore but unbroken skin.  It took nearly two weeks for the soreness to heal after the end of the course. Good luck, I hope you can find something that works for you.

  • I have been taking antihistamines plus aloe etc and seems a bit better. Sending hugs. Xx