25th & 26th June 1st & 2nd Radiotherapy session

1 minute read time.

Yesterday I had my first radiotherapy session, I was given the sexy gown to change into. I went in on time and after a few minutes they had me aligned ready to start. All went well and I had no problems with the breath holding. Everything was finished in about 15 minutes. I made sure to use the moo goo udder cream before getting dressed. All seemed fine until I went to bed when the itching started around the areola and nipple, it was uncomfortable trying to sleep.

Today when I arrived in the room for my second session I mentioned the itching and discomfort and asked about antihistamine, they said I could take them. Again I was all done in 15mins, moisturiser applied I dressed and left. As the afternoon has progressed, my itching has been replaced with a stingy sensation, like stinging nettles/bee sting, I really am not looking forward to 8 more sessions. I have so far used moo goo, double base cream & aloe vera. I have taken paracetamol and an antihistamine. I have had pure silk under my bra, but not helped very much, ended up wearing bikini top under shirt to go out, now nothing as am home again. 

I will see if they can give me something tomorrow as its getting me down, especially as I have been feeling quite positive through everything else. I have radiotherapy at 8.45 tomorrow and oncologist nurse specialists at 10.30 so I'm hoping one of them can give me something to make this more bearable. 

On the plus side my eye lashes are coming back well, brows too and hair is getting thicker too.

  • Your hair is looking great Alison. 
    sorry you are having a problem with radiotherapy side effects but the nurse team will be able to help I’m sure. I had some special foam 3 days post end of radiotherapy and a cream that I didn’t need to use. The radiotherapy team have been super efficient and helpful with me. 
    I’ve been having horrible nails splitting just above the moons on my thumbs and all my nails have a very strange texture. It’s 8 weeks since my last chemo - just can’t believe that the effects last so long. 
    Anyway keep positive- sure the hot weather makes the irritation worse. 
    sending love xxx

  • Thank you Kazza, I will ask the radiotherapy team if there is something they can give me as its driving me mad, and don't see why we have to buy everything ourselves. I see my nurses specialist oncologist this morning too.

    My finger nails are just like yours I imagine. I have lost 3 toenails too so don't feel right wearing sandals at the moment. 

    We will get there. I'm playing a triples bowls match tonight so might even take some of my left over morphine. 

    Sending hugs xxx