mums lung cancer

  • Good Weekend


    Well I'm happy to say we had a good weekend.

    Saturday saw our morning jaunt to the cafe, though Mum refused to use her wheelchair to go to the cafe.

    On the plus side she had phoned me at work on the Friday to tell me that her disabled badge had arrived.

    After a slow walk and back to the cafe from the car park, we headed off to the park where I knew there was a brass band playing.

    For this I made her get in her wheel chair…

  • Pandora's Box


    Im sure you all don't need reminding about the story of Pandora's box.

    The most important bit I think is right at the end.
    She has opened the box and let out, old age, disease, war, death, then she shut the box.
    A little voice asking to be let out, this was the voice of hope, hope said, you have to let me out, the world isn't complete without me.

    Ive always loved this story and as a child Im sure my mum would…

  • new to this blog


    Hi everyone at Macmillan, My mum was diagnosed with extensive small cell lung cancer at the end of June. I created a blog to try and help me cope with it all ,as at first I thought my feelings were a bit unusual. 

    However, I really dont think my feelings were that unique so I decided to share in the hope that maybe I could not only help myself through this but also help others going through similar experiences. 

    All posts…