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2 years ago my mum was diagnosed with stage 3 (?) breast cancer. I was only 15 and still at school, i couldnt cope with that! Im nealry 18 now, and i still cant! She had to have the full works. She had a Lumpectomy on my 16th Birthday!! And had lost of complications with that.. That was in the October of 2009 and then by the November she had started the 5 months of Chemotherapy.. Complications with that also as she got an infection and i nearly lost her. BIG TIME! By the March of 2010 she finished having Chemotherapy and then had a 'one sided' Mastectomy and the 5/6 weeks worth of Radiotherapy And after that.. she got given the 'All Clear' which is fab. Just waiting on re-con now.. But if im totally honest, i need lots of reassurance that she is going to be ok in the long run! :(

  • FormerMember

    Hi There

    I can understand why you're scared but I hope this info helps to ease your worries a little.

    I had Breast Cancer in 1996 when my son was 3.  I had a lumpectomy then mastectomy and full clearance of the lymph glands under that arm.  I had an elective mastectomy on the other side and reconstruction on both in 1998.

    My son is 18 in two day's time (the same age as you!)

    I've never had a return of breast cancer in the 15 years since.

    I'm sorry to say that no-one can ever say it'll all be OK, but you really need to try to put it to the back of your mind and enjoy life (yours and your Mum's)  Cancer can become all-consuming and I for one have spent too much time worrying about it and the future.  I now live for today and enjoy each and every one as it comes.

    Have you considered having a chat with your doctor about your concerns?  He/she may be able to put you in touch with a youth councellor who you can talk to.  It is often easier to talk to strangers than family.

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    I am a breast cancer survivor too. I am nearly 8 years since diagnosis with no return of the disease.

    More and more people survive this illness nowadays. It is a long, hard slog, but I'm sure your mum will come out the other end a stronger person for her experience.

    It is difficult not to let this rule your life, but please take comfort in the fact that your mum has finished treatment and is doing well. It will always be there as it is with all of us who have been through it, but you will learn not to have it at the forefront of your mind all the time.

    I wish you and your mum all the very best for the future.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you guys, it means a lot. i only just saw your kind words now,   i just find it terribly hard. But i am trying!! Xxx