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2 years ago my mum was diagnosed with stage 3 (?) breast cancer. I was only 15 and still at school, i couldnt cope with that! Im nealry 18 now, and i still cant! She had to have the full works. She had a Lumpectomy on my 16th Birthday!! And had lost of complications with that.. That was in the October of 2009 and then by the November she had started the 5 months of Chemotherapy.. Complications with that also as she got an infection and i nearly lost her. BIG TIME! By the March of 2010 she finished having Chemotherapy and then had a 'one sided' Mastectomy and the 5/6 weeks worth of Radiotherapy And after that.. she got given the 'All Clear' which is fab. Just waiting on re-con now.. But if im totally honest, i need lots of reassurance that she is going to be ok in the long run! :(

  • FormerMember

    Hello mummy's girl, I had grade 3 breast ca. in 2007 - left mastectomy, axillary clearance, 1 chemo as nearly died BIG TIME, radiotherapy, pneumonia, 1 year of herceptin and am finally here, today, wondering whether to have breast recon after the rocky road I've been on.  I have wished myself dead many times during my infections but, for some reason, I survived - thank God!  My daughter is 21, about to do a BA (Hons) at london school of fashion and I am so proud of her as she took my illness very badly.  We all come out the other end of this rocky road and are grateful for just being here.  You may feel  your life is one long nightmare right now but, believe me, your mum WILL be okay and you WILL be okay.  God bless, kind regards, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi there. I was diagnosed also with grade 3 bc in may 2010. I had mastectomy and reconstruction, lymph node clearance, 5 months chemo (infection after 1st one, back in hospital) then radiotherapy and 12 months herceptin. It is an awful journey and my 2 kids, (21 and 22) were also terrified that they were going to lose their mum. I have now had the all clear too, and intend living for a long long time yet!! It is hard to forget this terrible time, but try and put it behind you and concentrate on a great future with your mum!! Hugs, Pixie x

  • FormerMember

    I am sure your mum  will be fine, she must be as i am sure they wouldnt be talking about reconstruction so please go out and do the things that normal teenagers do!!! I had grade 2, masectomy chemo and rt. I have 3 teenage girls and i know that it hits you hard but at the end of the day, i could get on with getting myself better if i knew my kids were having fun and told them not to let it destroy their lives for the past couple of years too. If you are happy, your mum will be happier.

    Take care Love Kaz x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sweetie,I too think your mum is going to be fine.I was diagnosed with breast cancer 20 years ago aged 24.I had a lumpectomy,lymph nodes removed,radiotherapy & chemotherapy. I was diagnosed again this March,same breast,this time I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction,and total axillary clearance.It has been a tough ride,I would be a liar to say it isnt.I have 3 children (aged 25,17 & 15)who were absolutely petrified that their mum was going to die,but with a very positive mental attitude,a wonderful medical team,a very very supportive family and fantastic friends,I keep going.Your mum sounds like a tough cookie,keep us updated on her journey,I send you,and your mum,my very best wishes.

    Nikki x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya,

    Just read Nikki,s reply to you post. She has been through it all, and gives you a lot of good advice. She is right about your Mum,s being a tough cookie. So is her Family.

    All the best and Good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx