Moments of gratitude

1 minute read time.

On this weird and unpredictable journey, my husband has been thrown a lifeline. 

I'm acutely aware that many of you out there are suffering the most unbearable pain, suffering and grief, so perhaps it is insensitive to write this, but it is a stage on our journey towards an end we cannot deny.

Apparently, my husband is responding to his fearsome chemotherapy, which many cannot tolerate. Since it was a case of "This is the treatment on offer and we'll have to see........." perhaps you'll understand why I am so grateful. The nasty primary tumour is shrinking, and we are possibly being given a chance of some good quality time together before the return of the Beast. All sorts of caveats - depends on the bone scan and next CT scan results, and how the last chemo cycles go, but hey. Is it too much to hope for a bit of reprieve........?

So I am sitting here with a glass of wine, listening to the most exquisite Bach and thinking how very grateful I am to have such lovely friends, such a fabulous family and wishing all of you out there may be given  a moment of peace and love in whatever you are dealing with.

Little Jen X

  • FormerMember

    Dear Little Jen and Jan

    I think I could search all my life and not find any of those answers dont you? So I think I'll just get on with living and see how it goes!

    Much love to both

