Moments of gratitude

1 minute read time.

On this weird and unpredictable journey, my husband has been thrown a lifeline. 

I'm acutely aware that many of you out there are suffering the most unbearable pain, suffering and grief, so perhaps it is insensitive to write this, but it is a stage on our journey towards an end we cannot deny.

Apparently, my husband is responding to his fearsome chemotherapy, which many cannot tolerate. Since it was a case of "This is the treatment on offer and we'll have to see........." perhaps you'll understand why I am so grateful. The nasty primary tumour is shrinking, and we are possibly being given a chance of some good quality time together before the return of the Beast. All sorts of caveats - depends on the bone scan and next CT scan results, and how the last chemo cycles go, but hey. Is it too much to hope for a bit of reprieve........?

So I am sitting here with a glass of wine, listening to the most exquisite Bach and thinking how very grateful I am to have such lovely friends, such a fabulous family and wishing all of you out there may be given  a moment of peace and love in whatever you are dealing with.

Little Jen X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little Jen,

    How great is that news, as you say its can be a tough journey, so many unknowns - but hey - a chink of light is all we ever ask, a hope for us to get that break. So pleased you have been thrown a life line of hope, enjoy the wine and the music and look forward to sharing many more together !  There is a community on here of mutual support and one person getting good news like that is something we can all celebrate - So I will join in raising my glass with you and please keep us updated with the progress.


    Hugs John xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Little Jen.


     If any of us were in your position right now we would be doing the same thing and having the same thoughts.!

    Hugs for you both.



  • FormerMember

    Dear Respect

    Thank you for your kind comment. I am well aware that you are in a different more painful place yet you had the generosity to share my joy. God bless you.

    I wish you continued strength and courage.

    Little Jen X

  • FormerMember

    Dear Little Jen,

    Thank you for your generosity too and I also wish you continued strength and courage ! We all need that to contine to support our other halves no matter what the outcome.

     I found the months before far more stressfull than I do know. I have no choice now, I can either drive myself mad wishing things were different, or I can peacefully go about getting on with my life. I know I did all I could for my husband and I have no regrets about that.

    I doubt that there would be anybody on this site who would not wish you well right now. 

    So Litle Jen, long may your chink of light go on, and hopefully shine even brighter soon!




  • FormerMember

    Hi Little Jen,

    It's so good to hear positive news and thankyou for sharing it with us. There are no right or wrong decisions along this journey when it comes to choosing our treatment plans. Your hubbie has endured all that nasty chemo and deserves the positive outcome as a result. Long, long may it last and i wish you both much quality time together.

    You may not remember but last year you gave me good advice and support when my dad was struggling with pain of his bone mets. It has been a difficult year for us and he is now at peace. Thankyou.

    Take care


    ps Cheers, and may there be many more celebratory bottles opened.