Moments of gratitude

1 minute read time.

On this weird and unpredictable journey, my husband has been thrown a lifeline. 

I'm acutely aware that many of you out there are suffering the most unbearable pain, suffering and grief, so perhaps it is insensitive to write this, but it is a stage on our journey towards an end we cannot deny.

Apparently, my husband is responding to his fearsome chemotherapy, which many cannot tolerate. Since it was a case of "This is the treatment on offer and we'll have to see........." perhaps you'll understand why I am so grateful. The nasty primary tumour is shrinking, and we are possibly being given a chance of some good quality time together before the return of the Beast. All sorts of caveats - depends on the bone scan and next CT scan results, and how the last chemo cycles go, but hey. Is it too much to hope for a bit of reprieve........?

So I am sitting here with a glass of wine, listening to the most exquisite Bach and thinking how very grateful I am to have such lovely friends, such a fabulous family and wishing all of you out there may be given  a moment of peace and love in whatever you are dealing with.

Little Jen X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little Jen,

    It's so good to hear positive news and thankyou for sharing it with us. There are no right or wrong decisions along this journey when it comes to choosing our treatment plans. Your hubbie has endured all that nasty chemo and deserves the positive outcome as a result. Long, long may it last and i wish you both much quality time together.

    You may not remember but last year you gave me good advice and support when my dad was struggling with pain of his bone mets. It has been a difficult year for us and he is now at peace. Thankyou.

    Take care


    ps Cheers, and may there be many more celebratory bottles opened.

  • FormerMember

    Hi John

    Thank you for sharing my joy. You obviously understand much about 'the weird journey' we all find ourselves taking. 

    Wishing you good things and above all, hope.

    Little Jen 

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jan

    I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. It is kind of you to share my joy when you yourself are obviously in a darker place. In truth, my husband had no choice about his treatment plan, so perhaps that explains why I am so thankful for some time together.

    I hope that little by little, One Day at a Time, your grief will subside and you will be able to remember the happier things about your Dad. It does happen. Believe me, there will be light at the end of the tunnel. But for those moments when you need strength and courage, I hope you find it with family friends.

    Little Jen X

  • FormerMember

    Dear Respect

    I shall be thinking of you and hoping you are able to put the pieces of your life together again as best as you can. We are all just bumbling along in some way or another, aren't we, trying to make sense of things we've been dealt which we'd rather not have. If you should find the answer to Life, The Universe & Everything, let me know.


    Little Jen X

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for your kind words Little Jen. And Respect can you let me know too if you find those life, universe answers.

    Take care all

    Jan x