Sorry nurse!

Less than one minute read time.

Went to GP's yesterday fro a chloresterol test. The poor nurse had to give up as she couldn't find a vein to get blood from, bless her. She kept apologising for any hurt she was causing and I kept saying keep going there has to be one somewhere.

Eventually she said, there's a good one but still couldn't get the needle in no matter how much she wriggled (wiggled) it round. I think I have had so many needles and canulas over the last year that at the very sight of a needle my veins dive down deep and hide

In the end she gave up and gave me a form to take to the hospital next week hoping that they have more luck! We'll hv to wait and see although phlebotomy are usually pretty good at finding some blood. Perhaps it's change to water because of the amount I've been drinking!

Reminder to self, put forms in car NOW before you forget.

Best wishes to all and keep well


  • I'm also known as 'a difficult bleeder' because my veins all go 'dive, dive, dive!' whenever a nurse approaches me with a needle. The GP surgery always book me a double-length appointment for blood tests and even then, they've had to give up! I was told by one phlebotomist to ask for a 'black' needle which is a very fine needle they use on small children. It takes longer to get the blood out but at least they CAN get some.

    Good luck,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Mike,

    I just dont have any veins left. They all packed up and left.
