Mike Dowding

  • Sorry nurse!


    Went to GP's yesterday fro a chloresterol test. The poor nurse had to give up as she couldn't find a vein to get blood from, bless her. She kept apologising for any hurt she was causing and I kept saying keep going there has to be one somewhere.

    Eventually she said, there's a good one but still couldn't get the needle in no matter how much she wriggled (wiggled) it round. I think I have had so many needles and…

  • Senility strikes again!


    Have a chloresterol test at the quack's today. Walked past my tablets last night and suddenly realised that I had no idea whether I have taken my Statins and Metformin! Try as I might I couldn't remember!

    Think it may be time to get a tablet sorter box, or whatever they are called.

    Next week I go back to get my results from the CT scan and am not really expecting any good news, so preparing myself for the worst…