Woke up this morning...

1 minute read time.
That's a bonus! I refuse from the start to apologise for my sense of humour. Until I get my results it's business as usual, or so I told my manager at work. Suppose it is really, I'm good in a crisis but haven't really got one yet have I? A few close friends know I might be facing womb cancer (hereafter to be known as WC coz it's a low down, dirty piece of not nice stuff), my two 30-something girls don't, and that works for me. From experience telling people you might have bad news coming means that they either don't cope and you have to comfort them, or have a story about someone who had a completely different cancer and went through hell. Not up for that until I have some bad news. So here I am in the overpopulated land of the Limbo Dwellers. We've been referred, we've had one or more tests, we are waiting for the phone call or Dear John (Joan?) letter that invites us to hear the results. If you're like me you've probably exhausted all the UK sites that discuss WC and are still not convinced that you've probably nothing to worry about. It helped me to know about the tests I might have but when I started hunting for stuff to watch on You Tube, I felt I might be getting a tiny bit obsessed! So, the lovely ladies on the WC forum have suggested I find a hobby to get dug into, and I'm a fully paid up member of the Family History Obsessives Club. There's no better time to bury myself in the local record office and bother the hades out of the archive staff! Excellent! Would have been nice to decide to do this without a possible cancer diagnosis hanging over me .....
  • FormerMember

    Hi Mut657. I'm gingercat my lady is Mimi, she is stage 4 group B. Our GP missed her symptoms for over a year. Have they done a CA125 count? This shows how advanced/agressive it is. A healthy womans count is under 35, when they finaly did Mimi's it was around 6000. I hope they have caught your's early. As to telling friends? Well we found some of the close ones took a step back, but people who we only considered as pub mates, stepped in and filled the void. After 7 months only one has not come around. As we never had kids we can't advise on that. 

    As it was left for so long it's now in her bowel and lung as well. Despite chemo her CA125 count was 11000 when it was last taken, she had a hysotectomy a few weeks ago and is doing well, we have a meeting with the oncologist in a few days. 

    All I can say as the loving partner on the outside looking in. We already feel impotent as we were unable to protect you from this crap. So share, let us in we are stronger than you think. 

    Good luck gingercat.