
1 minute read time.

And the biopsy was useless!!

Sorry, unless you're a Gershwin fan like me, that will probably have been lost on you.

Well, had a call from the hospital saying I was 'booked to have a procedure under general anaesthetic' - first I'd heard of it! But I did say at the previous appointment that if they were going 'down under' again I wanted to be knocked out, so at least the doctor listened. The hysteroscopy is on Tuesday next, pre-op on Friday, results.... no idea, but I bet it's another fortnight! I had reached the blessed state of 'result nirvana', or 'one week down, they must come this week', so I have to admit to being a bit shocked that the biopsy seems to have been insufficient, inconclusive (or any other 'in' you can think of that fits here).

Despite not having a definite diagnosis one way or the other, I treated myself to a Macmillan organiser, which came today and is just plain amazing. If you need somewhere to record everything about your situation, this is it. Thank you Macmillan for devising it, and thank you all the people who have fundraised so we can have one at no charge at all. I am humbled. I work for a bereavement charity and know how important it is to be able to offer stuff free of charge at times.

  • FormerMember

    Good luck for your hysteroscopy, mut657. Yes, the waiting is always the worst part, especially when you don't know how long it's going to be.  I just want to say thank you so much for mentioning the Mac organiser. First I'd heard of it, so I've gone and ordered one too - a bit late in the day, but it'll be good to have everything in one place. As you say, it's amazing that we can avail ourselves of all this help for nothing - makes me feel more than ever that the monthly amount I've been donating to Macmillan for ages (not for myself, I hasten to add - I never thought I'd need it) is being put to good use.