Mel's Melanoma Blog

  • Feeling a bit calmer now.....


    Well it has been 6 months since our world was turned upside down, shaken around and stuffed back in.... So far Tony is still NED, but I do find I  worry about the slightest thing. If he acts slightly different I  panic that he is getting a brain met, if he has a slight mark or papule on his skin I worry it is a patch of melanoma, if he sweats during the night I  think "It's back" if he has a bit of a cough, lung cancer,…

  • March 12th - bad day


    At the moment I am all over the place. Angry, bitter, sad, upset, lonely, depressed, miserable, scared, forgotten. Of course happy too at times. But it is all very confusing and horrible. Just finding it all very difficult at the moment and I feel so alone.  It's just all weird. I feel like I am drowning. On top of that I find it embarrassing and shameful that I am feeling like this when it is not me who has the cancer…