Me vs Head & Neck Cancer

  • Treatment Day 2


    LIttle bit I forgot yesterday, my wife Pauline is a truly lovely lady, extremely loving and supportive and never fails to bring a smile to my face, yesterday following a chat about the PEG she managed it with this "will I need to prepare the food at home and liquidize it?" She says it was said tongue in cheek but I'm pretty sure it was more a case of foot in mouth. Following this my trials nurse Tracey told the story…

  • Treatment Day 1


    Following a good few weeks of tests, scans, results, chats etc treatment plan was laid out. Two or three five day courses of chemo as an in-patient before starting a five day a week, seven week course of radiotherapy with a few one day stays for further chemo thrown in, a PEG tube, plus sessions with a speech therapist to excercise my tongue (wife not too keen on me exercising elsewhere but understands) ;) Visit for dental…