Treatment Day 2

2 minute read time.

LIttle bit I forgot yesterday, my wife Pauline is a truly lovely lady, extremely loving and supportive and never fails to bring a smile to my face, yesterday following a chat about the PEG she managed it with this "will I need to prepare the food at home and liquidize it?" She says it was said tongue in cheek but I'm pretty sure it was more a case of foot in mouth. Following this my trials nurse Tracey told the story of one patient she had who apparently injected a glass of red wine through the tube, got very drunk very quickly. Worth a try in time to come?

Given this a bit of thought and have decided to leave nothing out barring lapses of memory no matter how embarrassing. Someone may learn from my mistakes.

Learnt a valuable lesson last night & the early hours of today when I found out the staff do Know better than me. I decided not to take the suggested laxative as at the time didn't feel I had a problem. By 1:00am cramps had started by 2:00 was very uncomfortable and asked for a laxative. By 3:00 had a minor accident, soiled my pjs got away with a wash down and a change, by 4:30 was in the bath following a major breach in the dam allowing all that had built up to evacuate at once unfortunately because I had to unplug my drip and the loo is at the other end of the corridor I never made it. Thankfully the staff were brilliant, just sympathetic to my problem and avoided as much embarrasment as possible. Don't think I got more than an hours sleep.

Aside from the above have had no problems today, the dryness in the mouth I started to experience yesterday has gone, assuming this was down to the taxotere while today's chemo of choice is the 5FU combo, still have the odd taste which at times has started to make me feel slightly nauseous but have found that sucking a strongly flavoured sweet (aniseed imperials) helps this. Have had a slight attack of heartburn but this is something I've had for 18 mths or so. After last nights episode am now very tired, have never been a good sleeper so have forced myself to stay awake today in the hope of making up for it tonight. Hoping the bowel problems don't return overnight, have visions of me doing a Buddah impersonation & spending the night on the throne.

Good lord, I have rambled on again.

ps Am grateful for any comments, this is my first ever blog and any guidance would be much appreciated.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Dave,

    Been there done that got the golden toilet roll holder.

    Look after yourself Mate.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Dave. Sounds like you are doing just great - you even managed to raise a smile, too ! When I was on a post-op nasogastric tube, I jokingly asked if the nurse would put some Pinot Grigio down - I got more or less the same reply about getting drunk quickly without the pleasure of the taste. Ah well, it was worth a try ! Best wishes and take care. Love, Joycee xx