Maria meets C

  • Results Day 02/05/2023

    Today was my post-operation appointment with Dr B in the breast surgery clinic. I thought I would share my experience with you all. After my lumpectomy, I wasn't feeling too anxious, and my recovery went quite smoothly. I was pleasantly surprised...
  • Scanxiety Alert

    Scanxiety Alert...I recently learned a new word, "scanxiety." It refers to the anxiety, fear, and stress that cancer patients feel while waiting for impending scans, tests, or their results. And let me tell you, it's real.Tomorrow it&#3...
  • 17/04 Goodbye Mamma

    Lumpectomy day...I had to be in the hospital for admission at 07:30. I woke up early to take one last shower with this special decontamination wash lotion. But before that, I took some last pictures of my boobies. My A/B cups have been with me ...
  • The day I met Dr. B

    After my diagnosis, the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) needed to meet to discuss my case. They review every patient's scans and biopsies and come up with a treatment plan. I was told that this meeting takes place every Thursday in my hospital, so ...
  • 23/03/23 Diagnosis day

    When the nurse called my name, I couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and hope.I walked into the doctor's office, where the consultant radiologist sat with a serious look on her face and she explained that the results showed I had cancerous c...