Scanxiety Alert

1 minute read time.

Scanxiety Alert...

I recently learned a new word, "scanxiety." It refers to the anxiety, fear, and stress that cancer patients feel while waiting for impending scans, tests, or their results. And let me tell you, it's real.

Tomorrow it's an important day. I have a follow-up consultation after my lumpectomy, and I'm feeling all the emotions.

The next steps of my treatment depend on the biopsy results and the pathology report.

I have so many questions racing through my mind. Are the lymph nodes affected? Will I need to undergo repeat surgery because the marginal tissue shows signs of cancer? Are my lymph nodes affected? What is the LVI status i.e. was there any involvement surrounding lymph/blood vessels? Will I need chemotherapy? What are the risks? Prognosis?

I've written down two full pages of questions, but I'm hoping I won't have to ask most of them.

The waiting game is tough, especially when it comes to something as serious as cancer. The grading and size of the tumour can also change. This is because after surgery there's more tissue for the pathologist to look at, which can give them more detailed information about the cancer. And there's always a chance of something unexpected.

It's scary, but I'm trying to stay positive and focus on the good things in my life. So, here's to tomorrow and whatever it may bring. I'm ready to face it head-on, with my scanxiety in full action.

I hope this post can help someone going through a similar experience.
