Results Day 02/05/2023

1 minute read time.

Today was my post-operation appointment with Dr B in the breast surgery clinic. I thought I would share my experience with you all.

After my lumpectomy, I wasn't feeling too anxious, and my recovery went quite smoothly. I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't need any painkillers, and I didn't feel any nausea from the anesthesia. I was even able to start my physio exercises from day 1 and go for daily walks. The loss of arm or shoulder range of motion was quite minimal, which was a relief.

I tried to stay positive throughout the process, even trying some breathing exercises and a meditation app. I also found it helpful to read posts on breast cancer forums and ask questions. The empathy and support from other people going through similar experiences were truly invaluable. 

I did fall prey to Dr. Google, but I tried to take the information with a pinch of salt. Some of the information is outdated, unreliable, or has a commercial purpose.

As I walked into the clinic today, I felt quite prepared with my two full pages of questions. But I couldn't help feeling really anxious. I knew what I wanted to hear: clear margins and no lymph involvement. And that's what I heard, but as with cancer, it's never simple.

I had a grade 3 cancer, and the lump was larger than the MRI and ultrasound scans showed...a 33 mm lump. And borderline HER2+ (awaiting the results).

My surgeon referred me to oncology, and recommended chemotherapy, followed by radiotherapy, and hormonal treatment for several years.

I know it's going to be a bumpy journey, but I'm trying to stay positive and take it one step at a time.

For anyone going through a similar experience, try to stay positive, lean on your support system, and take it one day at a time. And always remember that you are not alone.
