5 minute read time.

It is now Thursday and nothing is getting better, if anything i feel even worse, now i have terrible diaorrhhea, i can't keep out the toilet. I have crippling pains in my belly and i feel like i'm going to faint. Every thing i do, i do with my eyes shut, so as to keep the dizzyness to a minimum. I'm not eating or drinking now, as i feel so terribly sick, i have managed to ring my hospital again and they have rung my g.p. and told him to give me some anti sickness tablets, but they are not working, not at all.  

Hubby is popping in at mid day from work to get me something to eat and drink, i can't eat but i feel so hungry, i weigh myself and have lost one stone in this week alone. i can see the tiredness in my husbands face, he is running ragged as i keep asking him for certain things that i think i might eat, but once he's gone out and brought them, and gives them to me, they make me feel sick. This is costing a lot of money that we don't have.  

We have found out from Macmillan that hubby's job is safe if he needs to take time off to look after me, this is the new disability law that has come into force to protect carers, so that is of some comfort to us. But his company do not have to pay him, and they don't, so he cannot take any time off work as we will not be able to manage financially. 

Friday..... Its been one week since i had my first chemo, i'm in a world of my own, i'm floating on the ceiling, seeing things, in pain, can't walk now. What on earth is going on, i wish someone would tell me this is ok, it is all normal and i will be alright, i'm so scared i keep bursting into tears. I'm trying to hide it from my 20yr old daughter, who still lives at home, she has just got herself a new full time job, and everytime i see her i pretend i'm fine, but i'm not, i feel like i'm dying inside.  I dont want her to witness this, i want her to keep out of my room.  She is not coping with my cancer, i later find out that she is going to work and bursting into tears each day, she is so frightened i am going to die, but she keeps all this to herself as well. 

I try to eat something as i am so hungry, but i just can't, i feel like giving up now. I'm sorry if some people feel this is all negative, but this is what happened to me, i did not enjoy it, but it happened. And i'm sorry if people feel this is not a good blog to post, but it is my blog, and it all happened to me. So if anyone is offended or upset, i apologise in advance. 

I decide to call the hospital once again, again i am crying as soon as the nurse speaks to me, she says one nice thing to me and the flood gates open up. I tell her i feel so ill i'm not sure if i would rather die, sad, but that's how bad i felt. i told her how much weight i have lost, and she advises me to pop myself off to my local hospital just to get a check up, she does not like the sound of  the weight loss.  I call hubby and he comes home to take me to hospital, but that's easier said than done, i can hardly walk or stand up. I turn up at A & E and there's not a single wheel chair in sight, just typical, so i have to walk in, i'm not meant to be mixing with people that may have a virus so im a bit scared and try to stand away from everyone. My hubby hands that receptionist the card that my cancer hospital gave me should i need to go to hospital, this card explains that i am a cancer patient receiving treatment, and that there is a possibility that i could be seriously ill and that i need treatment urgently and i am not to be kept waiting. These cards turn out to be an utter god send in the end.  I sit for a short while and then i am called into a cubicle just like everyone else, a nurse comes to talk to me and again im crying, what on earth, where are all these tears coming from?  I know i'm 46, but i so need my mum, i bet lots of you can understand this, hubby doesn't, he's one of those men that does not show any emotion or weakness.  

Well this nurse takes some bloody, i have to keep reminding them not to touch my arm where my lymph nodes were removed, as we are never allowed to have needles in this arm again, nor have blood pressure taken from it. My veins are all collapsing and it takes numerous attempts and different area's on my one arm to get any bloody, i feel so ill i dont care where they take it from, but i beg them to make me feel better.  whilst waiting for my blood results they give me an intravenous strong anti sickness thing, but again it doesn't work for me, im so lucky lol.  

I hear the nurse say to another nurse that my blood results are back, and suddenly i am being rushed along a corridor very fast, ????  I know i'm in trouble when i'm quickly put into Resus, this is for emergencies only, but i don't know whats going on.  Too cut a long story short, i have Neutrapenic Sepsis, i think this is like bloody poisening, and its to do with my white blood count or my bone marrow, im totally in the dark about it, but i do know its very dangerous if this count goes very low, and mine could not go any lower.  My count is 0.01 ....... I ask the dr if i could die, and she says to me, we hope not, we are doing everything we can.   I think, well surely you will just give me antibiotics and i will be ok, but she said it all depends if the infection has got a strong hold on my, i tell her ive not had a temperature or anything, then i remember being so hot and cold at home, oh dear, and i ve forgotten to take me temperature at home, which my Onco told me was very imtortant to do, but i felt so ill i forgot all about it.     Again i start crying, its like being trapped in a night mare.........

  • FormerMember

    June 2011..... The nurses quickly set up a really strong antibiotic drip, and this is run through my system fairly quickly.  After a short while i start to feel strange, i tell the nurse something is very wrong, and all of a sudden i get the most tremendous pain in my stomach, its burning, it feels like the skin is being peeled from my stomach, the burning is so hot, im begging the nurse to help me, and crying my eyes out, she quickly stops the drip, but my heart is now racing like mad, i'm gasping, and then i lose the use of both of my hands, totally numb....i'm having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic, the  nurse is very concerned as the alarms start sounding on the heart machine as my heart is getting faster and faster,  the nurse shouts for a dr, but i know i'm going to suffer because even though the drip has been stopped, what went in me is still running around my body. It took over half an hour of feeling terrible before things started to die down, the dr just stayed with me, i looked up and could see hubby crying. He thought i was about to die.  I feel like im in cuckoo land by now.

    Eventually they find an antibiotic to give me that i'm not allergic to, and i go off to my room in isolation. The room is lovely, with my own bathroom/toilet, but no tv, nor radio, and the window is behind my bed, so i end up spending 7 days just looking at one wall.  But i didnt care, i was just so glad that i was in the hands of the nursing staff, that i had someone there if i felt so ill again, if i halucinated i would wake up knowing the nurses and drs were there, and i felt this lovely calm feeling wash over me, i felt safe at long last.

    After spending 7 days in hospital i finally get to go home, my nuetrphil count is up to normal, i had to have injections in my belly each day to get my count up, and from now on, from the day i have my chemo, they are going to send the district nurse around to my house to give me these injections for 5 days from chemo day. 

    i get  home, am very weak, but very grateful  to be alive. I feel better, but not 100%, theres still a long way to go yet. 

    Next week is my 2nd chemo...... i go in and  have no problems again, go shopping after ect. Again 3 days later i start hallucinating, i ring the hospital and they tell me it is probably the steriods causing these hallucinations, and not an allergic reaction like my g.p. had first thought. i must rememeber to tell my onco about this at my next appointment.

    Again i start going down hill, can't eat, dizzy, falling over, now my bowels have numb, totally numb, i cannot feel a thing, if i sit on the toilet i dont have any feeling around my bottom, i don't know if i need to go to the loo as i can't push as its all numb, how very strange, but i end up like this for over a week so i stop going to the toilet for a number 2.  I now also get numb so i dont know if i need a wee wee or not, this is sooooo strange, but as i am out of it most of the time, i would say i'm practically unconscious for at least 6 hours at a time, not waking up for the toilet or to drink or eat, so what i do is to make a plan to make myself just go and sit on the toilet every 6 hours. And i find what is happening is i manage to do a wee wee by doing this, so at least the bladder is working.

    I'm still going down hill so i ring the hospital who tell me to go to  my local hospital again. I end up sitting in a waiting room of sick people, which i am not happy about, if one of these people has a virus and gives it to me it could kill me.  I get called in, have the normal blood tests and again i am rushed into resuscitation..... i am neutrapenic again, i have a count of 0.06, again dangerously low from what they tell me. i again spend a whole week in isolation until my counts rise again. 

    Once home, i start to get the feeling back in my bladder and bowels, but when i go to the toilet the pain is immense when going for a number 2, it feels like im blocked up and everything is going to burst out of me, bowels included, this pain starts making me feel faint, and i'm worrying that if i pass out on the toilet, i don't want the ambulance people seeing me with my knickers round my ankles lol, what a silly thing to worry about, but still, silly things do go through your mind when  your ill with cancer.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Honeybea,

    What you are going through sounds absolutely horrendous, and I think sounding 'negative' should be the last thing on your mind right now x

    I am so sorry that this is happening to you, must be so frightening, but I am very grateful you are writing about it. I am a carer not a cancer patient but have my own worries that I don't always feel I can say out loud for fear of what people might think. There must be so many others going through terrible experiences that feel unable to talk about how it really is (the nitty gritty) and your brave words will really help, I'm sure of it.

    Thank you

    Syreeta x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Syreeta, it was a nightmare, but its all finished now thank God. But i must point out these are the normal symptoms to have, most people only have one or two symptoms, i was in the 20% that got every symptom.   

    I felt the need to write my feelings down as they have been trapped inside me since i started my treatment last year, and i feel i have got to express how i felt before i explode, i sort of feel in shock that i went through all this.  But as i say, its over now.

    I hope things are not too bad your end, how are you coping as a carer.

    Honey xx

  • FormerMember

    I now have 2 more sessions of chemo, they Onco's have reduced the strength of it twice now as they said they had overdosed me,  they calculate the amount of chemo you  have on some special scale thing, and they gave me the correct amount, but it was just too much for my weak, sensitive body.

    With the next 2 bouts of chemo i again end up in the hospital, only because i keep getting a temperature. both my Oncologist said that if you get 2 readings of a high temp you must go to hospital, so i have, and again i spend almost a week each time on a drip of antibiotics. Also i am always dehydrated, but thats because i can't eat or drink because of the nausea.

    I'm still having the nurses come in for a week after each chemo to do the injections in my belly to stop me going neutrapenic, and they are working brilliantly, just wished i'd had them from the beggining.

    I have a sore mouth with every chemo, nothing seems to stop it no matter how many things they give me. I still get the awful numb bowels, and even though they have given me something to help me go to the toilet, i can't take it as i am immediately sick, so nothing stays down.  

    I have now started to get numb feet and legs with each chemo, so apart from the bowels and bladder, it is now going from my knee's downwards, such a strange feeling, but i can still walk with it, but wobbly. iI never expected any of this and they did not warn me this would happen, but i suppose that if they did say all this could happen it would terrify people and put them off.  I am also getting terrible pain in my spine, its coming in waves/contractions, it starts at the back of my head and goes in a big wave all the way down to my bottom, its agony... but i can't get any pain relief for it as i'm in the hospital and the nurse tells me the dr's have not wrote up any pain relief for me, she keeps bleeping the on call dr but he/she is not answering because they are busy elsewhere in the hospital. I'm crying out in pain but all they can give me is paracetamol, at least if i was at home i could take my tramadol, but i have to lay here in pain for hours waiting for this dr, who never arrives. 

    What i can't understand is why is there no one that comes to see or help you when you first have chemo, if only someone had come to see me at home they would have realised as soon as they saw me that i was very ill, i would not have had to lay and suffer like i did.  There should be something set up to help people, i was not even strong enough to reach for the phone to ring the macmillan nurses at my local hospital, but i so needed help.  There should be something out there where we have someone who checks we are ok, or they ask our partner's if there are any problems, as my hubby would have said ' no she's not ok'.