Can't all be doom and gloom

Less than one minute read time.

My reputation is ruined for ever! I managed to get a really bad bug causing high temperature and the trots, and shivered my way into bed one night.  I was so frozen I looked for a hot water bottle, but hadn't got one, so I found an empty gin bottle and fiiled it with hot water. It helped, warmed up my toes, and in the morning I put the cold bottle by the side of the bed. In the evening the doctor came, and seeing a bottle of fizzy mineral water on the table told me not to drink it, as it would do me no good. 'And alcohol is no good either', he said.'Alcohol?' I answered, surprised.

'Yes, there's abottle of gin by your bed' . I attempted to explain. Don't think he believed me.

And by the bedroom door there was a crate of beer left over from a party.

And by the door there was a bottle of cheap vodka to put in my camping bus water system.


  • FormerMember

    Dear Pusspins

    I hope that the bottle had been emptied before you filled it with hot water.  I hope too that you have recovered from the bug.

    As children, growing up in the very remote Highlands, if it was very cold, and we had run out of hot water bottles, (no electric blankets - we weren't on mains electricity) we would quite often be sent to bed with 'ginnies' - empty gin bottles filled with hot water and then wrapped in something woolly.   Very comforting they were too.  I am thinking of reintroducing them  - it is so cold here just now. I just need to drink more gin.

    Just tell them it is a great British tradition.  


  • FormerMember

    Ha ha ha rofl Pusspins - its funny how we don't see the everyday things in our houses which others notice straight away !! I am sure your Doctor will forgive you but on a serious note I hope that you are feeling better soon. Maybe you should treat yourself to an electric blanket in the sales !???! Lots of love Jools xxxxxxx

  • Oh dear! You'll have to use an empty scotch bottle next time and then the doc will be more inclined to believe you.

    Get well soon.

  • FormerMember

    Just bask in the glow of disapproval, deserved or not, and enjoy it. I want to grow old disgracefully, not fade away into obscurity.

  • FormerMember

    Tut Tut....this is why folk should never assume things and goes to show that what you see is not always as it seems. Get better soon my love and I hope you are doing 'ok' Carol x